I’ve been pretty forthright in the past about my digestive issues that I have lived with since I was a young child. As I’ve also shared I just accepted this as my normal, but more and more, I’ve become convinced that I don’t have to live unbalanced in any way – with the latest being when I discovered this biofeedback test at the PowerHer conference (which I’m pictured at above). The test helped me understand things like my ph levels, lung capacity, and the like. Once I went over the results, I found myself being drawn to a three week cleanse that would allow my digestion to well, kinda, have a do over.
When I first found out about the cleanse, I was repelled by it. The thought of only ingesting fruits, vegetables, raw seeds, and the like wasn’t attractive to me at all, but I committed to a week once my daughter and I arrived back in town from spring break. And then as I pondered the plan and the ways I could do the cleanse with ease, I decided I’d give it two weeks versus the one I had initially committed to.
And baby, although those two weeks were a sacrifice, my body, mind, and spirit, are so glad I did it. That reset had tons of benefits I’ll be discussing fully on the Be Well Beautiful Woman Podcast soon, what the plan entailed, and introduce you to the people who made it as easy as possible to successfully complete the cleanse. In the meantime, just know there were so many benefits, in fact, that I can see myself slaying those three weeks in the future.
What I know for sure, for sure, for sure, is that we don’t have to accept things for what they are, no matter how the facts appear to be. We can make sustainable changes necessary to start again which will not only yield physical benefits, but also mental ones – giving you the clarity you need to move forward in areas you feel most stuck.
In the meantime let us help you reset at some of our upcoming offerings, including the virtual Global Be My Sisters Keeper Community which kicks off May 12, our next day retreat on May 27th, and our Group Mastermind Coaching Program which starts mid June.
And I’m always here to jump on a call to help set you up for the reset. Just click here to schedule a consultation.
Cheers to the reset,
Demarra West