Truth is one of the highest vibrational activations that exist. When we are speaking and living fully into our truths we are operating in our full power, therefor amplifying your ability to co-create with Source/Universe/God. When we are living truthfully in love, we are literally keeping the channels open for amazing things to flow into our lives.
When we consciously chose, or feel unable to live or speak our truth, we are literally cutting ourselves off from ourselves, but also to the rest of the world – to the people that we were destined to be in connection with.
And the truth is that none of us live in truth 100% of the time, because it’s not possible. Not sharing our truths is deeply rooted in feeling of unworthiness, the desire to please, to avoid conflict, the way we’ve been silenced or judged, and the like, so the best thing we can do is practice.
One of the easiest ways we can do this is by setting an intention to live a life of truth, and then paying attention to the times when you are, or are not, doing so.
To live a life of truth is not easy. There are all kinds of ways that we lie to ourselves and others, and we have all kinds of reasons for doing so. It’s worth it though, because from that place is where the real liberation lies. As the saying goes, truth is the only real ground to stand on. Truth is the foundation for bountiful abundance.
Expand your ability to live fully into your truth by engaging in programming curated with all things you in mind. We have the virtual Global Be My Sisters Keeper Community kicking off this Friday, May 12 (I’m super excited about this!!!!!), our next day retreat is on May 27th, and our Group Mastermind Coaching Program starts on June 16. As always, if you’re a Kalamazoo County woman up to full needs based scholarships are available. To quickly apply click here.
You can even get a taste of what you can expect during the group mastermind coaching program during a complimentary 20 minute coaching call – just click here to schedule. And I’m here anytime to customize working with you to help you live more fully into your truth, click here so we can chat!
Cheers to the power of truth,
Demarra West