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Being in Community With Like Minded People Can Heal Us


For the last six weeks I have been immersed in May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness by Gabrielle Bernstein via a book club of women working to heal themselves so they can better heal the world.

The title of the book alone is what drew me to say yes to this opportunity. Not even a week prior, I was discussing the meaning of happiness with someone dear to me. At that time I wasn’t even sure what true happiness meant, whether or not I was truly happy, and how one would even know if they were happy. 

In a nutshell, the book is about our ability to control our own happiness through intentional thinking. In other words, as I heard Joyce Meyer say once, ‘to think about what you’re thinking about’. You control your thoughts, you control your emotions, you control your behavior. Practicing the art of witnessing your behavior, forgiving yourself and others, having a willingness to see things differently, being grateful, and relying on the Creator (referred to as your ‘ing’), are the keys to living a life a peace, abundance, and joy beyond our wildest imaginations.

Couple the book with being around women who are on a pathway of enlightenment (just like me), you get one of the most significant times of positive change in my life. Over the course of six weeks, and about 1.5 hrs per week, these women have inspired me, challenged me, loved me, and supported me. We’ve been bonding outside of our book club meet up too, for example, one of the members and I plan to see Iyana Vanzant on tour in August (check out her tour line up here). The group is even planning to continue to meet after our final session this Sunday.

Bottom line is this, when we are in a space with people aspiring to go higher in life, it’s pure magic. It’s where deep vulnerability can occur which creates deep connection. A space where you are given abundant resources without reservation. It can also be an environment where long-term relationships are formed. And a place where you’re inspired by someone else’s words or actions, ignited with that new idea, and challenged to go farther than your own expectations. 

Black Women About Business is all about being a community where black women can soar. We have two opportunities coming up that can help you do just that. Our I Lead With Purpose program which is a research-based leadership development program based on what the most successful social entrepreneurs in the world embody that starts on 9/26 and the Be Well Black Woman retreat which will deliver all-inclusive luxury on beautiful Gull Lake 10/25-27.

In sacred community,

Demarra Gardner


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